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9 Avenue Michel Ricard
92270 Bois-Colombes
About us
Founded in January 2020, MadeCELL contributes to the structuring of the bio-production sector by providing those involved in the production of Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) and Cell therapy products (CTP) with an innovative and powerful software solution, covering the production cycle in the field of cell, gene and tissue engineering therapies.
Business offer
The CELL Connect software thus offers bio-production operators a complete control of their performance indicators, a complete traceability of production cycles and a strict compliance with regulatory and normative frameworks, through an agile solution, capable of monitoring the evolving needs of each player in the sector.
- Service
- Other
- Bioproduction engineering
- Cell Expansion
- Process optimization
- Bioproduction/CMC/Analytical Quality Assessment, Quality Control
- Bioproduction
- Tracking process
- Quality control